Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What One Canadian Thinks...

Received this email from a friend in Canada... Here's what some think north of 60.
Our present Prime Minister Harper pushed a bill thru during the last session to fix elections for November 2009 and every 4 years thereafter. However, fearing the crash in the US markets, Harper broke his own newly minted law and called an election for the earliest possible date hoping to get thru before 1) the crash and 2) the election of your new president. He has been a Bush man and the concensus here is that Bush is out and his party, who have backed his administration, has lost favor the Obama is in. Nobody cares about what's right or wrong in either country. We have no business in Afghanistan. We're only there because our former leader, the Liberal leader Cretien refused to go into Iraq. They did help in the Gulf War but not Iraq. So Bush said, if you're not with us, you're against us and the government here panicked and did the Afghanistan thing to try and make up with Bush. We can't make a difference there. Not possible. They want to continue growing opium. Iraq has oil, which we both need........nothing to do with the people....economics... And that's my rant for today.......
And we thank you for checking in.

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